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Contest: Minimum Into The Light

Contest: Minimum Into The Light

Minimum Into The Light

We want to help you win a free Lomography Camera & your favourite outfit from Minimum! It's super simple to enter, come by any Still Life location before April 15 and our amazing staff will help you find a great look and snap a perfect picture!

Here's how to enter:

  1. Choose your favourite Minimum style in any Still Life location
  2. Snap a picture of the style and share it on Instagram
  3. Use both hashtags #minimum_stilllife and #minimum_intothelight

This contest runs until April 15th so start shooting and posting to win the Minimum Fashion outfit of your choice & Lomography Camera!

This spring, Minimum is inspired by the Scandinavian light as it's seen in the season change from winter to spring, where brighter days are ahead. The spring/summer campaign was shot using a Lomography camera, utilizing the functionalities of the camera to create very distinct images, where light and colours influence the expression.